Contact Us

We welcome questions, comments, and especially documentation.

Before you contact us, use the search function (the little magnifying glass icon in the header) to search on the company, individual, etc. you have a concern or question about. There’s a lot of content on this blog; you may find that we’ve already answered your question.

Email us at

We accept email attachments. If you need to send paper documentation (correspondence, contracts, invoices, brochures, etc.), let us know and we’ll provide an address. We will also gladly reimburse your photocopying and/or postage expense.

Correspondence and documentation sent to Writer Beware® is held in strict confidence. Your name, contact information, and any unique identifying details will never be shared, publicly posted, or otherwise disclosed without your express permission, except to appropriate law enforcement agencies, in response to an enforceable subpoena, or as directed by counsel.

We cannot accept anonymous complaints, complaints that don’t name the individual or company, or second-hand complaints (i.e., your report of your friend’s bad experience with their publisher–your friend needs to contact us directly). Any documentation you send must be original and complete (i.e., send us the entire email, not cut-and-pasted text).

Please do not send us your manuscripts or query letters! Writer Beware® is glad to share information and answer questions, but we are not agents or publishers, and we cannot read or critique manuscripts, query letters, or any other form of writing. Emails with attached manuscripts or writing samples will be deleted without response.

Writer Beware® does not accept donations. If you’d like to help support the organizations that sponsor us, please consider donating to SFWA’s® benevolent funds.