A Pay to Play Bookstore Scheme: The Reading Glass Books

I’ve recently gotten several reports of phone solicitations from a New Jersey-based bookstore called The Reading Glass Books.

Why would a bookstore be calling authors out of the blue? Well in this case, to sell shelf space: $350 for six months. Authors can direct the store to sell the books at whatever price they like, and will get “100% of the royalties” (which of course makes no sense, since direct sales proceeds are not royalties). And if you’re thinking that the store will order the books…no, no, no, don’t be silly. Authors must provide their own copies.

Paid shelf space for self-published authors isn’t a new idea. Here’s one entrepreneur who set up a bookstore entirely on that model (the store closed in 2019). And a few years ago there was some media coverage of independent bookstores that were renting shelf space to self-pubbed and small press writers–in some cases for a good deal more than $350.

Whatever you may think of paying for shelf space, these were all real brick-and-mortar stores in the business of selling books to the public–not exploitative schemes aimed primarily at extracting money from writers. Based on its solicitation phone calls, sketchy website, and array of other paid services, my guess was that The Reading Glass Books fell into the latter category. I wanted to be sure, though, so I did some research.

Reading Glass claims a physical address–7 Wrightstown Cookstown Road (aka County Road 616) in Cookstown, New Jersey. To my surprise, there actually is a storefront. It’s located in a small strip mall on a relatively empty stretch of road. Here’s an image,, courtesy of Google (note the prime location, between Air Transport International and Domino’s Pizza):

You can just see that books are displayed in the window.

The mall’s roadside location is not exactly conducive to the foot traffic that real bookstores count on–though I guess it’s possible that Reading Glass gets some walk-ins from next-door Domino’s, or from the tattoo and barber shops that are also in this mall. However, those well-shaved and freshly inked book lovers won’t find the store’s inside much more prepossessing than its outside. Interior photos (a number of which are present on Reading Glass’s Facebook page and Google listing) show a small space with sparsely populated shelves. Here we are in December 2020:

And here’s a view from November 2021–inventory is still pretty puny, but it does look like the phone solicitations are having an impact:

So okay, there really is a store. It’s not in a great location, it doesn’t look like it has a lot of stock, and there are no customers in any of the shots. I’m guessing that authors are lucky if they realize sales in the single digits. Even so, there’s enough of a there there to suggest that Reading Glass isn’t merely a $350 figment. Could it be that it isn’t just a take-money-from-writers scheme? Could it be some entrepreneurial individual’s misguided notion of how to “help” indie authors?


See the Book of the Month banner? See the company name at the top?

That’s Writers’ Branding, a self-described “full-service self-publishing company” that sells a large range of costly Author Solutions-style publishing packages and marketing services. Most of the marketing is junk (video trailers, press releases, social media and print advertising, paid book reviews, vanity radio and TV, etc.), and there are some huge markups: for instance, fee-charging review outfit Pacific Book Reviews offers a discounted rate of $225 for its standard review service to Writers’ Branding authors, but Writers’ Branding re-sells the same service on its own website, with some negligible add-ons, for $1,599.

There’s also a companion of sorts to the bookstore: The Reading Glass magazine, one of those faux publications that is never circulated to the public and consists primarily of author advertising and paid interviews interspersed with badly-written articles. Authors can spend anywhere from $399 for a quarter page ad to $3,999 for the whole front cover.

In other words, The Reading Glass Books is just another junk marketing offering by a “self-publishing” company firmly in the Author Solutions mold. Interestingly, the shelf space deal that’s being pitched to authors in phone calls for $350 costs $549 if bought from the Writers’ Branding website. And if you want to be the Book of the Month advertised on the banner in the photo above? It’ll set you back $1,649.

Also worth noting: according to reports I’ve received, as well as others online, the phone solicitors for The Reading Glass Books don’t mention Writers’ Branding at all. Which makes sense, if the calls are an attempt by Writers’ Branding to expand its bookstore “service” beyond its own authors.

Writers’ Branding is of relatively recent origin, with a web domain registered in December 2019. It’s got a business registration in New Jersey, but like so many companies of this type, it’s also registered in the Philippines.

Writer Beware has gotten a number of reports of phone and email solicitations by Writers’ Branding, and there are more reports and complaints online: PissedConsumer.com has a few (including phone harassment), there are a couple at the BBB (both closed, and the details aren’t shown). Bizapedia, not normally known for garnering consumer reviews, shows three complaints, all involving Reading Glass Books solicitations.

UPDATE 5/4/22: Scammer Authors Tranquility Press is now soliciting for The Reading Glass Books–at a considerable upcharge. Note the bizarre claim about Charles Dickens, and the reference to (mythical) Book Returnability Insurance (a common scam “service):

Apparently The Reading Glass now has a kiosk at the McGuire Air Force Base:

UPDATE 6/13/22: Even the world of scams is experiencing inflation. Author Tranquility Press’s latest solicitation for The Reading Glass books is priced at $1,299–and you don’t even get shelf space.

UPDATE 12/11/22: In a perhaps inevitable development, The Reading Glass Books has begun selling a full range of publishing and junk marketing services (including book fair “representation”), as well as pay-to-play book reviews with the Philippine scammers’ favorite review providers, Pacific Book Review and Hollywood Book Reviews. Their paid shelf space scheme is now called a “consignment program” and priced at $499.

Writers’ Branding is still selling paid shelf space at The Reading Glass Books (also now called “bookstore consignment”), though the price has jumped to $999. It also sells a book signing package at The Reading Glass Books’ mall kiosk for as much as $1,099.

UPDATE 7/16/23: The Reading Glass Books is now shilling a “Document Endorsement Program” that will supposedly land you a literary agent who will sell your book to a traditional publisher. Below is an excerpt from one of their falsehood-larded email solicitations:

I don’t know what they’re charging–the solicitation craftily withholds that info–but I’m sure it’s not a small amount. Needless to say, The Reading Glass has zero connections with the real publishing industry, and this package is a giant waste of money.

The Reading Glass is also re-selling reviews from paid review providers at a gigantic markup. Pacific Book Review and Hollywood Book Review (two of the scammers’ favorite paid review services) charge a maximum of $495 for their reviews ($595 for a twofer). Reading Glass charges $1,800 (Pacific) and $1,649 (Hollywood).

UPDATE 2/1/24: The Reading Glass is now selling space in group ads in the “New York Times Paper Magazine” (by this they seem to mean the NYT Book Review, at least based on the photos included in the solicitation below). The cost: $1,849, which is claimed to represent a 50% discount.

Print advertising can work as part of an integrated PR strategy, but on its own, as a one-off, it’s worthless–even if you’re not getting enormously overcharged.

Reading Glass solicitation for "New York Times Paper Magazine Advertisement": "As a highly talented author, we extend our heartfelt invitation to you to showcase your exceptional literary work to an outstanding audience of The New York Times: NY Times has 2.7 million subscribers who receive their weekly print and digital content. We have meticulously reviewed your book, carefully selecting exceptional works. Your book has passed our evaluation process and has earned its place among them.

Make yourself known as the next best-selling author before the holiday season arrives."

UPDATE 3/4/24: Author Blaze Nowlin had a close encounter with Writers Branding/The Reading Glass and has put it all into an often hilarious video series documenting his experience, including recordings of his conversations with WB/RG sales reps (having quickly figured they are bogus, he used a fake voice to lead them on with questions).


  1. Thank you for this site. I was contacted this week via text message by this company. I actually did not know it was this company until I looked up the phone number online and did a little research myself. I have no interest in traditional publishing. I am a Christian author and God gives me the words of what I should write. I will not be changing my books to suit someone else. Our books come from within us. I don’t understand why authors are so quick to give their treasures away.

  2. I have never worked with an honest forthright publishing company. Been scammed multiple times and ready to throw in the towel which is so unfortunate because I have awesome children’s books. I have Written 52 published 11
    Such a shame. Report your scams to the FBI

  3. As of 2/28/2024 this company still won’t leave me alone, I have blocked their number over 20+ times and every time I get contacted by them, I go their Facebook to bug them about leaving me alone because apparently being told I’m put on the ‘do not call’ list verbally isn’t working.

    Well, I guess they didn’t like what I had to say about the company so they thought it’d be smart to put my partner’s FULL NAME in one of their comments they responded with. They are literally doxing my spouse and refuse to take the comment down, yet others are asking them why they are attempting to ‘dox’ someone and they keep deleting the comments.

    Stay away from this company at all costs!

    1. Lol keep dreaming about Your Success. I’ved been partner with Reading Glass Books and They never Fail to accomplish what they Promise!

  4. I just received my first email today from Writers Branding. My immediate thought, “Oh my gosh. A bookstore that wants to display my book! Yippie.” I’ve been contacted many times before by fake entities. Yet, I couldn’t resist feeling excited. There was also a strong reluctance to spend more money on the off chance that I may or may not get noticed. None-the-less I felt magnetized. Alas, I looked for online reviews and found your article. Sigh…my instincts were right, darn it. I truly appreciate you research. Thank you.

      1. Victoria How was Your Case ? You Have a Lot of Cases right now in this country. And you are abusing your Freedom of speech.

      2. Well, how did things fare for that unfortunate and disgruntled author? Furthermore, it’s rather unbecoming to tarnish the reputation of other companies simply because you have your own self-publishing venture. It’s imperative to maintain fairness in the game.

        The Reading Glass Books, I must say, has demonstrated ethical conduct towards its authors. They have diligently provided services, and it’s commendable that some of their authors have even caught the attention of traditional publishing houses. Sadly, your approach seems rather antiquated.

        Instead of disparaging a company with a proven track record and dedication to the publishing industry, perhaps it would be more prudent to explore avenues with traditional publishing houses yourself.

  5. Oh, dear…
    I just paid my 399.99 fee for them. I’m guessing I won’t ever be seeing that money again. Will my book get decent exposure, though? I’ve had no luck with people reviewing my book online, so I was happy when they read the “reviews” to me. I feel like a fool.

    1. I tend to doubt it’ll get a lot of exposure–the store doesn’t seem to be in an area with a lot of foot traffic, and stores like Reading Glass only stock books authors have paid to put there–so it’s not like people will be stopping in to pick up the latest bestseller and maybe your book too. They do have a kiosk in a public locale that perhaps gets more attention, but I don’t know if the $399 will get your book placed there.

      I’ll be interested to know what your experience is, if you wouldn’t mind coming back and commenting again.

  6. Thank you for this article. I’ve been recently approached ruthlessly by this company and even blocked numbers. They want to represent my “masterpiece” Author Ella (self-published) children’s book.
    I am so tired of the scams. It’s enough to pay for the publishing than to get calls for more handouts.
    Leave us alone and let us enjoy an accomplishment without trying to make a lottery dream of a famous book come true. It’s like we do something we are proud of, and then suddenly feel targeted and foolish and by answering the phone.

  7. i have been dealing with reading glass books for over a year now. i estimate i’ve paid them over $7k to republish, reprint and put on amazon and barnes & nobles. they have done everything i have paid them for and for the most part i am ok it until reading all these comments. i have even paid them to do my 3d book in a the series! recently, i talked w/a friend that was appalled and told me to stop paying them to do a job that they know i could do myself but i’m not a self publisher and afraid that my books would be removed from amazon and barnes n nobles. BUT i have refused to pay anything else to them no matter what they say while waiting and hoping #3 gets completed. it was only last yr that i was scammed by Get Started who didn’t even bother to get my books printed and republished. so i’m stuck with reading glass who did what i paid for at least and waiting for #3. writer’s branding started calling me after “john” left for some reason and then “john” started calling me from stoneage media. man, this is just so wrong! i’ve even gotten calls and emails about making a movie and stuff. so i’m just done! i guess i will never see a movie of my book “The Continuing Saga of Rikki Tikki Tavi” on the big screen and i’m 71 now. i just don’t know what to do.

  8. Very, very glad that I ran across your blog when I googled “The Reading Glass Books.” Regarding your July update, I can tell you what they’re charging for that “endorsement” service: $2,549, because I just got off the phone with them.

    I authored my first children’s book and had it produced this spring by AuthorHouse out of Bloomington IN; I did so primarily to give a talented young illustrator (the daughter of a high-school classmate) a platform to jumpstart her career. My outlay (split with her father) was a bit less than $2,000. We figure we need to sell between 500 and 600 units to break even on that (depending on hardcover vs. softcover and other variables), and we’re about halfway there . . . I’m very fortunate to have another lifelong friend who owns a very popular gift store in our mutual hometown who is retailing our book and hosting events for us on very favorable terms.

    I will credit AuthorHouse with doing a fine and meticulous job with final design and production of our book. But aside from that, of course their entire business model is to place any and all marketing risk squarely with the author.

    And, ever since our book hit Amazon, and Barnes & Noble, with online availability in March (through AuthorHouse), I’ve predictably received more than two dozen cold calls from all sorts of marketers who have flattered and schmoozed and promised to take us to the Frankfurt Bookfair, to sell us to Hollywood, etc. I’ve uniformly responded that if they wanted to perform their services for 75 or 80% of revenue generated, great — if they thought our book was that good, they shouldn’t need any downstroke from us.

    None, of course, have been interested in going the percentage route.

    Thanks very much again for the “heads-ups” that you provide here.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Kurt, and for confirming the amount of the “endorsement” fee.

      I’ve long suspected that Author Solutions (AuthorHouse’s parent company) sells its customer lists. Additionally, most of AS’s production work is outsourced to the Philippines, where I’m pretty sure that people working for AuthorHouse and other Author Solutions imprints steal customer information. Pretty much anyone who self-publishes is fair game for the cold call scammers, but they especially focus on authors who’ve used the AS imprints.

  9. I was contacted out of the blue by Reading Glass Books. How they found out that I had self published a book, I’ll never know. They wanted to sell me a $700 package for 6 months. I smelled a rat, and didn’t take the bait.

  10. Thank heavens I thought of getting a second opinion from a well-versed person familiar with all aspects of writing and publishing.

  11. I’m thrilled to accidentally find this website! I’ve been approached by three scam companies: The Reading Glass Books, Writer’s Branding and Author’s Press. All want me to pay to get “promoted”. Fortunately, I was able to see through them in spite of their exorbitant compliments about my book, “In the Shadow of Humanity”. While I know it’s a good read, their repeated compliments over-the-top! It seems to be a common theme for them to play on the old ego and all wanted me to pay out money!

    1. Thanks for your article. I was ready to drive to jersey in two days to drop off my books. I’m glad I found out in time !

  12. A rep from The Reading Glass says my 2016 text was chosen from among 120 as a prized education book. The person would get me into the good graces of a literary agent who would present it to major publishing houses. I would be paid from $150,000- $300,000+ cash advance (relinquish my rights) when a publisher purchased my book. If I choose to let the publisher distribute my book, the royalties from the first 10,000 copies belong to the publisher. > Two years ago, I was solicited by Strat Advertising and paid them $3,000; it was a set up. When I traveled to the address for a refund (I got no service for my payment), it was a warehouse that received packages in Sarasota, FL, where clients paid for squares of space for use of the address. UPS was housed there–so it seemed legit. The book took 5 years to write, paid $8,000 to get it in print, and now am at an impasse with an empty purse. What an exasperating experience–am I alone in this caper?

  13. Unknown 2/16,

    This is certainly a scam; if Netflix were interested in optioning your book rights, it would be offering to pay you, not the other way around.

    I've seen a number of solicitations from fake agencies that purported to have gotten interest from Netflix, but nothing impersonating Netflix itself. Would you forward the email to me? beware@sfwa.org. Thanks.

  14. I got a phone call from "Netflix" wanting to talk about representing my book (I several, and this person, with a distinct accent, didn't know what I was talking about.) Shortly after, I got an email from "Netflix -Liam Stone" that said they wanted to "represent" me and it would only cost $4999.99. Have you seen this lately?

  15. Anonymous 1/04,

    I suspect you have just provided that interview yourself. It's just the answer I would expect.

  16. The bookstore mentioned here, in the timeframe you have just given, has gone through immense growth and transition outside the largest military base in New Jersey. Consignment fees are not a scam as books are being sold with full displays and promotion. It's telling to see you have not one quote from the owners of Reading Glass Books or Writer's Branding as they are open and available to answer all your questions and are available with a simple phone call or by walking into the store. It is a Veteran and his family who have braved Covid 19 by opening this business during a very difficult time in our country, and i find it sad that you would do a hit piece without a full interview.

    1. I’ve been harassed by The Reading Glass book store for roughly 3 years now, I’ve blocked about 6 numbers now. I’ve dealt with these people one too many times. Whatever their background might be, they are a crude and unfortunate existence of a company.

      They literally target elderly people and their YouTube channels get no views, doesn’t link the books advertised, and the person doing the ‘author interviews’ doesn’t even know how to hold a conversation. This company is very questionable and have very unsavory practices.

      Anonymous user, tell me without telling me, that you’re an employee for this crappy establishment.

      1. I’ve also gotten into a debate with their lead marketer, every time she contacted me, she’d say something about my quarterly sales. When I pressured her why I should believe and be intimidated by her words, she maliciously bragged that “We buy certain logistics and information from Amazon so I know how much your book is selling” I then asked if she was able to track the signed copies I distribute or the copies I sell at conventions via a booth. She was very angry afterwards and then continued to try to sway my mind via other methods.

        This lady also has had a different name every year she’s contacted me.

  17. I'm devotee of Yog's Law … so, how to self-publish? I contemplate effectively splitting myself into two entities: the writer (a daydreamer who never spends a dime) and the publisher (who's probably gonna have to spend a little). But any deal where the "bookstore" gets all its revenue from authors sounds like a scam from the get-go.

  18. Sorry about that — I tend to joke about everything.

    This content doesn't dissuade me from trying to get published; laziness and lack of drive, on the other hand . . .

    Anyway, everything here is great information that spills into other areas as well (always beware of gift horses, no matter the source or field).

    Take care, stay safe.

  19. It should be an incentive to be educated and prepared–not to avoid publishing or self-publishing. If you build a good publishing knowledge base and follow Writer Beware, you should find it relatively easy to avoid the scammers, deadbeats, and flimflam artists!

  20. . . . so, a tremendous incentive to not publish, then.

    But I'm still gonna try, someday. Maybe.

    If I ever do, I'll be well-armed to defend myself from these scammers. Thanks to you, that is.

  21. They seem to be soliciting self-published writers. It's pretty clearly an effort by Writers' Branding to reach beyond its own clients.

    The publishing/marketing/fake literary agency scams I've been writing so much about for the past couple of years only approach already-published writers. It's a whole different world from the scams that target unpublished writers–which are also much more varied, both in methods and perpetrators.

  22. I'm unclear if they're soliciting published authors or also unpublished writers.

    On the one hand, I'm glad I've never received any of the reported scam offers I read about.

    On the other hand, I don't know if I should be dismayed that, as an unpublished writer, not even scammers see me worthy of pursuing.

    As always, thanks for the informative report, and — while I'll feel like I've "arrived" if I'm ever approached — I'll be wary of any solicitations coming my way and make sure to check here first.

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