Spam Alert: 4 Seasons Book Awards

Header Image: Four Seasons Book Awards logos

Over the past couple of days I’ve gotten multiple reports from writers who received this solicitation via the contact forms on their websites:

Contact form solicitation from Atlas Elite Publishing Partners inviting submissions to the "esteemed" 4 Seasons Book Awards for a $125 entry fee

Spamming via contact form is way more labor intensive than just regular spam, so you’ve got to respect the commitment–though I have to say a bit more time could have been invested in proofreading. Also, is it 4 Seasons Book Awards, as in the solicitation, or Four Seasons Book Awards, as in the little medallions in the typo-ridden image at the top of this post? It’s a bit confusing, brand identity-wise.

Anyway, the 4 (or Four) Seasons Book Awards appears to be your standard profiteering awards program, where the intent is to generate a bundle of cash for the owner (I’ve written about several of these on this blog, and why they should be avoided). Spam solicitation: check. No-name judges: check. High entry fee: check. Zero-cost prizes, to avoid cutting into profit from entry fees: check (the “Time [sic] Square Billboard” etc. are available only to “Grand Price [sic] Finally [sic]” winners chosen from all entrants at the end of the awards cycle; everyone else gets “celebratory badge and digital certificate of victory”).

Unlike some profiteering awards, there aren’t dozens of entry categories in order to maximize revenue, but you can pay extra to enter all four awards at the same time, via an upcharge that’s added to your basic entry fee:

4 Seasons Book Awards entry fees: $125 for one entry plus $175 for entry in all four, for a total of $300

The award website URL was registered less than two months ago.

So who is Atlas Elite Publishing Partners (alternate website: Atlas Elite), which the spam solicitation–if not the award website–indicates is the owner? There’s no specific mention of fees on either of Atlas’s two websites, but the available services and testimonials make clear that it’s a publishing and marketing services provider, rather than a publisher. (Translation: big fees.)

The company CEO is Michael Beas, whose bio cites business and entrepreneurial accomplishments and deploys buzzwords like “disruption” and “brand management”. Beas owns several other ventures, including The Beas Group Inc (registered just over a year ago); eBook Marketing Solutions, which sells what, scraping away a lot of verbiage, boils down to Amazon bestseller campaigns (you know, where a bunch of people all buy your book on the same day, hopefully boosting it into temporary “bestseller” territory in at least one, preferably obscure, Amazon category); and The Book Revue, a pay-to-play review service ($150 a pop).

Profiteering awards programs can be pretty lucrative, and many sponsors own more than one. Beas is no exception. In addition to the 4 (or Four) Seasons Book Awards, there’s also the Global Book Awards, which charges $130 for entry and doesn’t seem to be accepting submissions for 2023 (its website doesn’t acknowledge Beas’s ownership, but its business registration info tells the tale); and the Amor Book Awards, for romance titles. The Amor website doesn’t disclose its sponsor either, but Beas has promoted it on his LinkedIn–plus its website bears some suspicious similarities to that of the 4 (or Four) Seasons Book Awards, including the same entry fee ($125) and identical Grand Prizes, right down to the mis-spelling of Times Square.

The Amor website claims that semi-finalists were announced on February 14 (Valentine’s Day–romance–get it?). Today is March 3, and there’s no sign of any announcement. I did manage to find three authors on Facebook who say they were declared a semi-finalists, though, so maybe Beas just hasn’t gotten round to an update.

Here’s the promised “high quality digital award medal”:

image of "high quality digital award medal" for the Amor Book Awards

Well worth $125! /sarcasm/ I can’t help wondering what percentage of entrants got this badge.

Bottom line: profiteering awards exist not to honor writers and writing, but to enrich their owners. They tend to have little (if any) name recognition, and offer even less transparency about their policies and processes. They are a waste of money.

A bizarre aside (because you know I love those).

In 2014, Michael Beas registered a publishing business in North Carolina called MB Imaginum LLC. Per Amazon, the company seems to have published just three books: one by Beas himself, and two more bearing the name, as co-author, of Wid Bastian.

If you’re a dedicated reader of this blog, that name may ring a bell: Wid Bastian ran a boxed set publishing scam via his company Genius Media (which is listed as co-publisher on one of the MB Imaginum books). Unbeknownst to his victims, Bastian was a convicted felon who had served a jail term on multiple counts of embezzlement, bankruptcy fraud, and money laundering. After I published my post about Bastian’s scam, the author of one of the Bastian/Imaginum books contacted me to let me know that Bastian had embezzled money from him (you can see the author’s email toward the bottom of my post).

There’s nothing to indicate that Beas was aware of any of this, or participated in Bastian’s schemes. Still, it’s an interesting intersection. (Beas appears to have had his own past problems with the law.)

According to the North Carolina Secretary of State, MB Imaginum has been administratively dissolved, which happens when companies don’t file the required documents and/or reports.

UPDATE 3/9/23: Here’s another solicitation, received in email:

Screenshot of new 4 Seasons solicitation for "spring edition" contest: "Every Season Has A Moment, Every Moment Has It's [sic] Season. Make this season yours!"

UPDATE 2/8/24: Per a comment on this post, as well as emails I’ve received, authors who never entered this contest are receiving “Yay You’re a Winner!” emails for the 2023 Grand Prize. Weird, but such sloppiness would be consistent with the typos and other lapses noted above.

Since the winners have already been posted on 4 Seasons’ website, I’m not outing them by including the screenshot below.

Screenshot of 4 Seasons 2023 Grand Prize Winners announcement, received by an author who did not enter the contest: "Congratulations on becoming an Official 2023 Four Seasons Award Winner!)


  1. Add “The Book Revue” to their list of “services.” They promise an editorial review and an Amazon review, and they forward your book to Atlas. I suspect they tell you about the books “problems” and try to sell you “solutions.”

  2. I have worked with Atlas before with no problems. I also entered the four seasons awards and became a finalist. I know others who have used their services as well with no issues. I don’t think they are scammers.

      1. Not sure if having a contest and picking winners for that contest qualifies as a scam…but sure, stay away. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes at the end of the year.

        1. “I’ll keep you posted on how it goes at the end of the year.”

          Thank you: these “contests” interest me, as they are similar to the “your child in the movies talent contests:” everyone who submits their content to this “contest” is told they are a “finalist,” and will be given a .PNG file to use on their book cover. The “contest” is a vanity award scam.

          The services sold by _Four Seasons Book Awards_ cannot be fulfilled: winners’ books cannot be placed on Amazon’s “best seller” lists by this company— the claim is absurd. Nor will winners have literary agents assigned to them: that is not how the Trade works.

          _Four Seasons Book Awards_ is run by the Atlas Elite Publishing Partners scam. This is run by Michael A. Beas, as noted by Ms. Strauss.

          The fact is that victims of this scam pay US$125 for a .PNG file to have a fake / vanity “book award.” This angers me.

  3. I must be lucky because I received TWO emails today from them. That apparently have moved from Charlotte to Fort Mill SC at 201 Tom Hall Street in Fort Mill which looks suspiciously like a post office according to Google Maps (or Town Hall Street, if you accept one of their posts). One of the posts offers a “Free Consultation” to help me plan promotions. Figured they would already be on Writer Beware.

    A side note—According to the email headers, they are using InfusionSoft to send this spam, so it’s actually worth reporting it as spam.

  4. I am sorry to say I fell for this scam – I really should have known better, but after the long Covid pause after my last book I really wanted to have some recognition once again – but my bad. Thanks for enlightening us – so much talent out there – so little recognition…….

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